``` o /\--) /\ gem ``` # Gopher/Gemini collections A quiet place in the internet other than HyperText Machine Learning And can access from behind the Great Wall :) > '+' for alignment and org-like tree => gopher://gopherpedia.com + gopherpedia => gopher://hngopher.com + hngopher => gopher://gopher.lantian.pub + lantian gopher => gopher://forthworks.com + forthworks IOS gopher client author's homepage server written in RETRO, a Forth dialect he implemented => gopher://gopher.floodgap.com + Floodgap Systems Gopher Server => gopher://gopher.quux.org + quux a lot of information of historic interest, funny, or just plain entertaining => gopher://gopher.quux.org/g/Software/Gopher/screenshots/mozilla.gif ++ mozilla 0.9 with gopher tree view => gopher://sdf.org + SDF SDF Public Access UNIX System .. Est. 1987 => gopher://sdf.org/1/users/d1337 ++ d1337 (1990s) from nyxt blog => gemini://gem.sdf.org/oak3/ ++ Oak3's Cafe Gem => gopher://circumlunar.space + Circumlunar => gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/~solderpunk/ ++ solderpunk the creater of gemini > This is where I "eat my own dogfood" => gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/1/~solderpunk/roophloch/ +++ Remote Outdoor Off-Grid Phlogging Challenge => gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/users/hundredrabbits/ ++ HundredRabbits exploring and documenting minimum viable solutions for living and technological tooling => gopher://dataswamp.org + dataswamp => gopher://dataswamp.org/1/~solene ++ Solene => gemini://perso.pw/blog/ +++ Solene gem > parker(circumlunar.space): I like her stuff. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ => gopher://schinkel.bevuta.com + Author of CHICKEN Scheme => gemini://ew.srht.site/ + ew almost 60! lots of 'Re:' => gemini://ew.srht.site/library/ + ew's library => gemini://perplexing.space/ + perplexing (offline) => gemini://gemi.dev/ + Gemi.dev Heavy Industries => gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/wp.cgi/welcome/zh ++ gemipedia => gemini://gemini.cyberbot.space/ + cyberbot undergoes frequent maintenance, PDA? => gemini://warmedal.se/~bjorn/ + bjorn => gemini://warmedal.se/~bjorn/posts/2021-10-06-all-those-posts-about-pdas.gmi ++ All Those Posts About PDAs => gemini://ploum.net/index_en.gmi + Ploum author of offpunk => gemini://gemini.thegonz.net + Things => gemini://cdg.thegonz.net/ ++ Collaborative Directory of Geminispace => gopher://bitreich.org/ + bitreich => gemini://thrig.me/ + You descend a maze of stairs... => nex://nightfall.city + Nightfall City