index | ~dongdigua

My Projects

$Id:,v 25.2 2025/01/11 08:02:57 dongdigua Exp $

Table of Contents

1. difficult-alarmclock   active

Turn your Unix box into a music clock that sucks less.
named after shenjack's Difficult-Rocket
blog: ./alarm_clock.html

2. alkaneo

Generate alkanes using Racket and miniKanren.

3. demo.lua

The old demo in lua.
blog: ./lua_demo.html

4. 二半异构活塞铁路建造飞行器 (demi-bolt builder)   archived MC

5. AxolotlVM

A toy virtual machine for learning purpose.

6. 极速五工作台切换器 (crafting table switcher)   MC


7.   active

This is what you are looking at.

dongdigua CC BY-NC-SA 禁止转载到私域(公众号,非自己托管的博客等)

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