index | ~dongdigua

Swaywm/Wayland related issues (踩坑)

$Id:,v 25.2 2024/03/24 20:49:08 dongdigua Exp $

1. VirtualBox

1.1. cursor


1.2. egl error

enable 3D acceleration in VirtualBox

2. unable to drop root

donot run under root

2.1. in normal user, libseat permission deniened

add user in video group
login as user, not root

3. iBus

no, use fcitx5 instead

4. Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

4.1. sudo -E

4.2. lxpolkit(directly execute) or polkit-gnome(prettier, at /usr/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1)

4.3. pkexec

5. environment variable?

trick: add Exec=zsh -lc sway in /usr/share/wayland-sessions/sway.desktop

6. cursor theme not working

from this issue
add seat seat0 xcursor_theme Oxygen_White in sway config file

7. Option –create on workspace prev_on_output|next_on_output?

this feature is not compatible with i3, so sway didn't accept the pr

8. grim + slurp screenshot pause the screen

swappy is probably an idea
I odn't want to make it too complicated,
just shot the whole screen and edit with GIMP later

9. dark mode

but, if you are using swayfx (~2024.1), #226

10. sway input-method popup #7226

dongdigua CC BY-NC-SA 禁止转载到私域(公众号,非自己托管的博客等)

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